
The nations are the social hub of student life with housing, scholarships, clubs, culture, pubs, associations, sports and much more – by students for students! A membership in one nation gives you access to all thirteen nations and opens up a whole world filled with old student traditions mixed with innovative student spirit.

With a membership in a union, you help to increase and improve the opportunities for the unions to impact the development of the university courses, programs and work environment. The student union is present at your department, at your faculty and within central bodies of the university. The student unions are there to make a difference, but also to make students get involved in their education, their study environment and other factors that have an impact on their study results.

In order to be able to register as a new student in Uppsala you need to be admitted to Uppsala University, and recieve a T-number from the University. To become a member online on this website, first you need to create an account. Click on “Join” in the menue on this page to find the instructions!

If you are a student at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and not yet a member of a nation you will only be able to create a temporary account. We reccomend you visit a nation and become a member first so you can create a real account.

If you would encounter any problems during the registration, feel free to contact us. The most common problems are also available under the tab ‘FAQ‘.

If you want to leave a nation/union you must contact the nation/union in question. Once you have done this you can pay your other membership fees online.